8 of the Best Superheroes to Have on Your Side in a Zombie Apocalypse (And One of the Worst)

Zombie Iron man by attemme

Image courtesy of attemme

There’s probably a good reason superheroes and zombies don’t cross paths very often in popular culture. Part of the appeal of the zombie genre is seeing real, flawed people tackle scary situations. It’s fun putting ourselves in their place and wondering what we would do. (Die, probably.)

For god-like superheroes who can punch through planets, the stakes would be unusually low. That doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be fun to think about which superhero we’d rather have around if sh*t hit the fan. Sure, the discerning zombie merchandise enthusiast will have purchased our What Are The Odds!? zombie insurance, but a second line of defense never hurt.

In an end-of-world scenario, you bet we’d want all the help we could get. In this article, we’ll run through the best superheroes to have on your side during the zombie apocalypse, as well as at least one who’d be no help whatsoever. Then we’ll crown our winner.

This list has a few surprises and doesn’t just include the consensus “most powerful” and/or most popular superheroes. While we’re sure Superman would be an apocalypse asset, it’d be a bit boring watching the survivors sit there with popcorn while Supes wiped out the undead horde without breaking sweat.

Let’s check out the contenders.


the Incredible Hulk


The Incredible Hulk

Marvels the incredible hulk in destroyed backdrop

Image copyright: Marvel inc. Author: Unknown

Some zombie-induced problems call for a meticulous strategist, while some can be solved by letting a giant green humanoid loose on the undead horde. Hulk/Bruce Banner offers both, but not at the same time, unfortunately. Is he the most reliable zombie apocalypse saviour?


  • Super strength (Hulk).
  • Super intelligence (Banner).

The roid-raging superhero has superhuman strength and would easily obliterate waves of zombies, so long as he could transform when needed. As Banner, he could help devise evasion and/or attack strategies, but would he remember his own advice once transformed?


Unlike some superheroes who can inflict damage from afar, Hulk needs to get up close and personal with his enemies. With all that blood and guts flying, you might be in danger of getting ‘zombified’ yourself.

And would Hulk be immune to zombie infection? If not, that would be a recipe for disaster. We’re afraid our zombie insurance doesn’t cover Acts of Hulk Smash – but as you’d be a puddle of goo, you’d be in no position to object.





Rick Sanchez holding a Portal gun pulling Morty through a Portal

Image copyright: Warner Bros. Author: Unknown

Is Rick a superhero? Maybe not in the traditional sense. But it’s hard to argue with Mr Sanchez’s C.V. He travels through time and space; he invents hugely powerful bombs, guns, and shrink rays; he even drunkenly wiped out a superhero squad with traps.

OK, maybe more of an anti-hero, if not a supervillain. But you know what they call overly empathetic people in a zombie apocalypse? Dead in Season 1.


  • Genius
  • Useful inventions.
  • Not too sentimental.

Rick is probably the smartest person in the Rick and Morty multiverse. While lesser humans would be panicking or in-fighting, Rick would be inventing an efficient zombie-killing device, figuring out a serum to cure the infected, or maybe just getting the hell out of dodge with his portal gun.  


  • ‘Useful’ inventions often backfire.
  • Doesn’t give a crap about you.

For all his intelligence, Rick isn’t the most compassionate person. Beneath the casual abuse and life-endangering adventures, there’s a glimmer of affection for his grandchildren. But would he care about helping strangers in a zombie apocalypse?  

A nihilistic super genius with a death wish might not be the most reliable saviour. He’d be just as likely to let the infected rip you apart or save his own skin and switch to an alternate universe free of both zombies and your ineptitude.


iron man



Marvel Iron man in fight pose

Image courtesy of marvfx

Tony Stark is another genius, and what he lacks in natural superpowers he makes up for with technology. He’s not short of cash, either, but just how useful that would be in the zombie apocalypse is debatable.  


  • Intelligence and ingenuity.
  • Suit offers flight, weaponry, and protection.

Iron Man is basically a one-man arsenal. He can fly; he can rain down explodey things from above; his armour will protect him from hungry zombies if he’s grounded. Tony’s intelligence and inventiveness would also come in handy when preparing strategies to deal with the undead horde.

While arrogant, Tony genuinely wants the best for humanity, and he’s more likely to have your back than plenty of superpowered mutants or aliens who care little for ‘lesser’ beings.  


Tony has his fair share of demons, notably an ego and an alcohol problem. He’s already proven he can sacrifice himself (I’m not crying; you’re crying) but maybe after a few whiskies he’d be a little too keen to go out in a blaze of glory and leave you to deal with the fallout. Not to mention, his heart might run out of battery if things get a bit intense.  

Iron Man’s reliance on technology is a double-edged sword. If he’s separated from his suit, suddenly he’s just an intelligent human. A human vulnerable to infected bites.  

You wouldn’t want a zombified Iron Man chasing you down, but you might want him on your wall, thanks to our awesome graphic zombie art certificate by Mexi. Maybe Mr Stark doesn’t make the best super sidekick, but he makes a great gift for zombie merchandise lovers.





one punch man Saitama with arms crossed looking bored

Image courtesy of Viz Media

Saitama hasn’t yet encountered a foe he couldn’t defeat with a single punch. With this OP superhero alongside you, the biggest issue would be stopping him from nodding off through boredom.  


  • Can defeat any enemy with one punch (and create huge shockwaves to destroy multiple enemies if needed).
  • Can leap huge distances.
  • Essentially invulnerable to damage.
  • Zombies are much less powerful than enemies he’s used to.

Saitama’s strength, speed, and durability are almost unimaginably strong. He survived being kicked to the Moon, and he can punch through asteroids and destroy mountains. A few shuffling zombies? He’d probably feel insulted.  


Saitama’s supreme power has made him bored and indifferent. If superpowered foes don’t even challenge him, how could he get motivated by face-punching hordes of undead?  

Still, even a bored One Punch Man would probably continue to defend you. Just stay on his good side and don’t mention his baldness – our zombie insurance policy covers reanimated foes, not animated ones.





Marvels Scarlet Witch Wanda Maximoff played by  Elizabeth Olsen n fighting pose

Image copyright: Marvel inc. Author: Unknown

Having a superhero who can fight off zombies is one thing, but why not go one better? Scarlet Witch, AKA Wanda Maximoff, has reality-warping powers that could essentially end the apocalypse before it’s even begun. But is she mentally stable enough to trust?


  • Teleportation (of both herself and others) - handy for getting you out of a bad situation.
  • Telekinesis – handy for long-distance zombie slaying.
  • Sorcery – power over natural elements.

Wanda’s powers (and control over them) vary, but in one comic plotline, she drastically alters reality itself with three simple words: “No more mutants.” If you ask nicely, maybe she’ll conjure up a reality without zombies.  


  • Mental instability.
  • Powers depend on her physical condition – a few late nights or a nasty cold might weaken her.
  • Regular human strength and durability.

Wanda can be a bit of a loose cannon, and she’s lost control of her powers at times. You also don’t want to upset someone with such impressive abilities, so you’d be treading on eggshells.  

Maybe you make an insensitive comment about Vision or say her brother’s hair looked silly in the movies, and “No more zombies” could easily become “No more humans” instead.





Al Simmons spawn fighting

Image copyright: Todd McFarlane Productions, Inc. Author: Unknown

Sometimes you’ve got to fight fire with fire or, in this case, fight undead with undead. Spawn has been to hell and back, so a little inconvenience like the zombie apocalypse is unlikely to faze him.


Al has military weapons training and is a martial arts expert, so maybe he could teach you a few things. Spawn’s necroplasm (a magical substance from Hell itself) gives him superhuman speed, strength, and durability, but so much more, including:

  • Teleportation.
  • Healing and resurrecting the dead.
  • Shape shifting.
  • Reality warping.
  • Flame breathing.
  • Essentially anything he can imagine.


Spawn’s necroplasm is finite; when it runs out, he’ll have to return to Hell. But since his costume can feed off evil energy, maybe he can use the zombies as fuel.  

He’s practically immortal, unless beheaded by a weapon of Heaven. But I don’t think zombies have many of them.





The power puff girls in fighting pose with an explosion in the background

Image courtesy of Warner Bros / Everett C

There may be three of them, but if you stack them on top of one another they just about make one normal-sized superhero. If that’s playing too fast and loose with the rules, then we’d choose the leader – Blossom.


This team is dedicated to fighting the forces of evil, so you know they’d be up for the challenge. All three are blessed with superhuman strength, speed, durability, and stamina, and they can also fly.  

Here’s a short list of some of their other powers:

  • Super senses inc. smell, sight, and hearing – they could sniff out decaying flesh from miles off.
  • When they work as a team, they can create flames, tornados, and sonic waves.
  • Blossom alone has ice breath, can shoot lightning bolts, and is a master strategist. She’s also adept in the mysterious and arcane art known as “pink magic.”


Sending five-year-old children into danger to protect you is a bit of a cowardly move, even if they are superpowered.  

The Powerpuff Girls’ main weakness is ticklishness, which is unlikely to be exploited by the undead. If all three are recruited, the only thing that might scupper your survival plans would be them bickering with each other. Or maybe a zombie uprising after their bedtime.





Marvels Wolverine Logan in fighting pose with adamantium claws wearing the classic yellow and blue xmen costume

Image copyright of Marvel Inc courtesy of sideshow.com

Sure, he’s not the most powerful superhero on the list, but this X-Man would be handy in a fight against ex-men (and ex-women). Logan’s early life in the Canadian wilderness would also prepare him for the logistics of a survival situation.  


  • ‘Doomsday prepper’ skill set honed from living in the Canadian wilderness.
  • Adamantium-enhanced skeleton including the signature bone claws. Not the most powerful zombie killing weapon but definitely one of the coolest.

Wolverine’s got all the usual powers like enhanced strength, speed, stamina, etc. but it’s his superhuman healing factor that would make him a real asset. That would surely help him recover from zombie bites without turning into one himself.


  • Loner – doesn’t work well in a team or submit to authority.
  • Sometimes accidentally kills people he cares about (maybe that’s why he doesn’t like working in a team).
  • Zombie slaying skills are on a smaller scale than other superheroes – you could get killed while he’s busy fighting multiple enemies.

Wolverine gets cool points for his claws, and wouldn’t be in danger himself, but he’s probably a touch underpowered compared to some on this list.





Arm Fall Off Boy holding his own detached arm with middle finger up swearing

Image courtesy of doughnut42

Speaking of underpowered superheroes, we have the great and powerful Arm-Fall-Off-Boy. A little-known DC character, this man (superhero is probably too strong a word) can detach his own limbs and use them as blunt weapons.*

*If you’re inspired to do the same, please note that your zombie insurance policy will be voided. Also, you’re an idiot. 


  • Zombies can’t rip your limbs off when you’re one step ahead of them.  

Maintaining a sense of humour is a very underrated trait during difficult times. Arm-Fall-Off-Boy’s inevitable demise will be pretty funny and improve morale amongst the survivors, who will think “it could be worse – I could be that guy.”  


Do I need to elaborate?


So, who’s the best superhero to have on your side in a zombie apocalypse?  

It’s clear that they’d all be a big help in an end-of-world scenario (except possibly Arm-Fall-Off-Boy), but there can only be one winner. And that winner is…


Al Simmons Spawn in the underworld

Image copyright: Todd McFarlane Productions, Inc. Author: Hyb1rd-1982

Spawn has the perfect skill set to tackle the undead uprising, and there’s something fitting about a dead guy saving you from dead guys. Style points are important, too; if you’re in the zombie apocalypse you might as well try and enjoy it.  

Al’s necroplasm-induced powers are only limited by his imagination, so there’s potential for some creative and exciting zombie kills. According to this wiki he can even create beer out of thin air. After a long day of cracking open zombie skulls, you can’t put a price on cracking open a cold one with the squad.  

If you got into trouble, he could heal you and possibly even resurrect you. His firearms and martial arts expertise might rub off on you after some training sessions, helping you save yourself.  

Spawn’s reality-altering abilities could even avert disaster entirely, creating a world in which you don’t have to fear actual zombies, but you can get awesome superhero zombie art on your wall.  

Oh, looks like he already did that. Or was it us?

So, Spawn wins this superhero vs zombies debate, but your choice might vary. You could make the case for various characters, and as long as you don’t choose Arm-Fall-Off-Boy you’d probably have a good chance of survival.

One thing’s for sure: in the absence of superpowered assistance in the end times, it makes sense to get yourself some What Are the Odds!? zombie insurance.

You can’t put a price on peace of mind.

Special thanks to Alex Cooper